Complaints Performance

The Housing Ombudsman's Complaints Handling Code has been updated and  became statutory on 1 April 2024.   The Code requires landlords to publish an annual Complaints Performance and Service Improvement report for scrutiny and challenge.

Statement of compliance

Ensuring we listen and respond to customer feedback is embedded within our governance structure and reporting framework.  In preparing this annual complaints report, the Board has followed the principles set out in the Housing Ombudsman Complaints Code and self-assessment guidance.

A detailed review of the evidence in support of this self-assessment has been undertaken by the Member Responsible for Complaints. 

This annual complaints report was approved by the Board on 16 May 2024 following review by our Customer Feedback Panel and Resident Voice Panel, and signed on its behalf by Lesley Dixon, Chair, and John Wood, Member Responsible for Complaints.

Complaints Performance and Service Improvement Report

As required by the Code, we have assessed our complaints performance and set our an action plan for improvement. These documents are available for our customers.

We have created a Complaints and Service Improvement Report which outlines how we are performing against our complaints service standards and includes a self-assessment against the Housing  Ombudman’s Complaint Handling Code. It outlines where we have got things wrong and what actions we have taken to improve our service.   

Our Complaints and Service Improvement Report 2023/2024

Our self-assessment against the Complaints Code 2023/2024

Our action plan for improvement 2024/2025


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If you require this information in another format (printed copies or large print), please contact Denise Allen:


Telephone: 0344 736 0066