Our performance
Our performance
We want to make it easy for you to see how we are performing against our corporate objectives and against other similar sized housing associations in our region. In this section, you will find our financial statements, latest annual report and our Value for Money statement.
Performance reports
Read our latest annual report, which details our performance in 2022/23 (this will open a new window) - Read our Annual Report 2022/23
Environmental, Social and Governance Report - Read our ESG report 2023
Financial statements
Take a look at our financial statements for each of the Regenda Group's businesses.
Financial statement for Regenda (this will open a new window)
Financial statement for Redwing (this will open a new window)
Complaints Performance
Take a look at our Complaints Performance and Service Improvement Report and our self-assessment against the Housing Ombudsman Complaint Handling Code.
Complaints and Service Improvement Report 2023/2024
Complaints Code Self Assessment 2023/2024
Find out more: Complaints performance | Regenda Homes
Value for money
To find out how we're performing against our regulators value for money metrics, download our Value for Money Summary Statement-2022/23 (this will open a new window)
Tenant Satisfaction Measures
Tenant Satisfaction Measures (TSMs) have been introduced by the Regulator of Social Housing to assess how well social housing landlords in England are doing at providing good quality homes and services.
There are 22 TSMs. 12 come from customer surveys and 10 come from information we hold in our systems.
They aim to drive up standards and improve the quality of social housing, ensuring we can be held accountable for the quality of service we provide.
The TSMs focus on the following five key areas:
Keeping properties in good repair
Maintaining building safety
Respectful and helpful engagement
Effective handling of complaints
Responsible neighbourhood management
Resident Voice Panel - Key Performance Indicators
As well as monitoring Regenda and Redwing’s Tenant Satisfaction Measures, the Resident Voice Panel also monitor performance key performance indicators.
The measures change during the year, to ensure Regenda are reporting on the areas that are relevant to not only internal but external factors.
Find out more here: Resident Voice Panel key performance indicators
Anti-social behaviour
Everyone has the right to peacefully enjoy their home and feel safe in their neighbourhood.
We take reports of anti-social behaviour very seriously and have a specialised team who investigate each case that is reported to us.
Residents who behave in an anti-social way are breaching their tenancy agreement and risk being evicted from their home.
You can read our latest ASB performance here: Regenda Homes - Anti-Social Behaviour-Poster April to September performance
Send us feedback
We welcome your views and opinions. We use your feedback to understand what we are getting right, what we are getting wrong and where we can improve.
Send us Feedback