Tenant Satisfaction Measures
Tenant Satisfaction Measures (TSMs) have been introduced by the Regulator of Social Housing to assess how well social housing landlords in England are doing at providing good quality homes and services.
There are 22 TSMs. 12 come from customer surveys and 10 come from information we hold in our systems.
They aim to drive up standards and improve the quality of social housing, ensuring we can be held accountable for the quality of service we provide.
The TSMs focus on the following five key areas:
Keeping properties in good repair
Maintaining building safety
Respectful and helpful engagement
Effective handling of complaints
Responsible neighbourhood management
How do we use the findings?
We have been monitoring similar measures for several years. This helps us to understand what matters most to customers, where we are doing things well, and where we need to improve. The findings help to shape our improvement plans for the year ahead.
Now that the Regulator of Social Housing requires all social landlords to collect this information, we will be able to compare our performance to other similar landlords once the Regulator publishes this information la ter in 2024.
We will also look at trends in our own performance year on year once we have another year of data available.
We will publish our findings, the actions we are taking in response and the outcomes from this survey online and in our tenant newsletter.
Year End 2023/2024 Satisfaction Results
Whilst the Regulator only requires us to publish this information annually, feedback from our customers is that it is important that we share information more frequently. We will update this information at least every six months. Where benchmark data is available, we will publish this so that you can see how we compare to other social landlords.
Year-end TSM results 2023/2024 (April 2023-March 2024).
The below table outlines the satisfaction results from residents living in Low-Cost Rental Accommodation only (LCRA). LCRA includes general needs, supported housing, Housing for Older People, intermediate rent and temporary social housing.
Benchmark data is from the HouseMark year-end Tenant Satisfaction Measures report and is based on Low-Cost Rental Accommodation only, there is none available for Low-Cost Home Ownership. HouseMark collected data from 221 English landlords choosing to submit year-end TSM results for the period April 2023 to March 2024. This included 118 Housing Associations and 103 Local Authorities.
TSM satisfaction measure |
Target 2023/2024 |
National Median 2023/2024 |
April-September 2023 |
Year-end performance 2023/2024 |
Performance against target |
Overall satisfaction |
70% |
69.4% |
72.8% |
71.5% |
In target
Satisfaction with repairs |
80% |
70.4% |
74.8% |
71.8% |
Out of target |
Satisfaction with time taken to complete most recent repair. |
80% |
66.4% |
71.9% |
67.3% |
Out of target |
Satisfaction that the home is well maintained . |
75% |
69.4% |
73.0% |
69.5% |
Near target |
Satisfaction that the home is safe. |
85% |
76.1% |
81.2% |
77.3% |
Near target |
Satisfaction that the landlord listens to tenant views and acts upon them. |
65% |
58.9% |
60.7% |
62.8% |
Near target |
Satisfaction landlord keeps tenants informed about things that matter to them. |
70% |
69.5% |
66.5% |
67.2% |
Near target |
Agreement that the landlord treats tenants fairly and with respect |
80% |
76.3% |
75.8% |
75.9% |
Near target |
Satisfaction with landlords approach to complaints handling. |
40% |
33.8% |
34.1% |
38.8% |
Near target |
Satisfaction that the landlord keeps communal areas clean and well maintained . |
70% |
65.5% |
63.2% |
65.4% |
Near target |
Satisfaction that the landlord makes a positive contribution to the neighbourhood. |
60% |
62.5% |
61.3% |
59.4% |
Near target |
Satisfaction with the landlords approach to handling ASB. |
60% |
57.0% |
61.1% |
60.6% |
In target
Year-end TSM results 2023/2024 (April 2023-March 2024) – Low-Cost Home Ownership
The below table outlines the satisfaction results from residents living in Low-Cost Home Ownership only (LCHO). LCHO includes shared ownership properties (which have not been fully staircased ) . There are no mid-year benchmarking figures available.
TSM satisfaction measure |
Target 2023/2024 |
April-September 2023 |
Year-end performance 2023/2024 |
Performance against target |
Overall satisfaction |
70% |
42.4% |
42.0% |
Out of target |
Satisfaction that the home is safe. |
85% |
61.8% |
64.0% |
Out of target |
Satisfaction that the landlord listens to tenant views and acts upon them. |
65% |
33.6% |
35.2% |
Out of target |
Satisfaction landlord keeps tenants informed about things that matter to them. |
70% |
51.7% |
50.9% |
Out of target |
Agreement that the landlord treats tenants fairly and with respect |
80% |
46.7% |
45.6% |
Out of target |
Satisfaction with landlords approach to complaints handling. |
40% |
16.7% |
14.9% |
Out of target |
Satisfaction that the landlord keeps communal areas clean and well maintained . |
70% |
59.3% |
61.5% |
Out of target |
Satisfaction that the landlord makes a positive contribution to the neighbourhood. |
60% |
33.7% |
35.1% |
Out of target |
Satisfaction with the landlords approach to handling ASB. |
60% |
35.9% |
44.6% |
Out of target |
Year-end TSM Management Information results 2023/2024 (April 2023-March 2024).
These are the 10 metrics that come from our systems rather than through a satisfaction survey.
TSM Management Information |
Target 2023/2024 |
National Median 2023/2024 |
April-September 2023 |
Year-end performance 2023/2024 |
Performance against target |
% of homes that have all the necessary gas safety checks (LCRA/LCHO combined) |
100% |
99.97% |
100% |
100% |
In target |
% of homes in buildings that have all the necessary fire risks assessments (LCRA/LCHO combined) |
100% |
100% |
98.9% |
Near target |
% of homes in buildings that have asbestos management surveys or re-inspections (LCRA/LCHO combined) |
100% |
100% |
99.8% |
100% |
In target
% of homes that have had all the necessary legionella risk assessments (LCRA/LCHO combined) |
100% |
100% |
74.0% |
100% |
In target |
% of homes in buildings where communal passenger lifts have necessary safety checks (LCRA/LCHO combined) |
100% |
100% |
99.3% |
97.4% |
Near target |
Number of stage 1 complaints received per 1000 homes (LCRA only) |
NA |
39.7 |
21.2 |
59.6 |
NA |
Number of stage 2 complaints received per 1000 homes (LCRA only) |
NA |
5.3 |
2.4 |
9.8 |
NA |
Stage 1 complaints responded to within the Housing Ombudsman’s timescales (LCRA only) |
95% |
85% |
98.4% |
97.3% |
In target
Stage 2 complaints responded to within the Housing Ombudsman’s timescales (LCRA only) |
90% |
83.3% |
92.3% |
96.3% |
In target
Number of stage 1 complaints received per 1000 homes (LCHO only) |
NA |
NA |
18.0 |
43.8 |
NA |
Number of stage 2 complaints received per 1000 homes (LCHO only) |
NA |
NA |
8.5 |
15.2 |
NA |
Stage 1 complaints responded to within the Housing Ombudsman’s timescales (LCHO only) |
95% |
NA |
100% |
91.8% |
Near target |
Stage 2 complaints responded to within the Housing Ombudsman’s timescales (LCHO only) |
90% |
NA |
81.8% |
94.1% |
In target |
Anti-social behaviour cases relative to the size of the landlord (LCRA/LCHO combined) |
NA |
38.6 |
24.7 |
22. 8 |
NA |
Anti-social behaviour cases that involved hate incidents relative to the size of the landlord (LCRA/LCHO combined) |
NA |
0.7 |
0.1 |
0.2 |
NA |
RP02-1: Non-Emergency repairs completed within target timescale (LCRA) |
100% |
81.5% |
97.1% |
95.1% |
Near target
RP02-2: Emergency repairs completed within target timescales (LCRA) |
100% |
94.8% |
98.8% |
98.3% |
Near target
Homes that do not meet the Decent Homes Standard (LCRA) |
0% |
0.31% |
NA (Annual Measure) |
0.02% |
Near target
We publish outcomes and changes made to our service so that you can see how your views count. Please click here for more information: Customer Feedback - You said, We did
If you would like to find out more about the TSMs or comment on our performance you can do so here: info@regenda.org.uk
Our approach to the TSM survey
We are grateful to the 1 , 52 5 residents who took part in our 2023/24 survey. Your feedback is invaluable to us and helps us to improve our services.
In 2023/24, we exceeded the minimum regulatory requirement for both Low-Cost Rental Accommodation (LCRA) and Low-Cost Home Ownership (LCHO) response numbers . We achieved a +/-2.7% confidence interval for Low-Cost Rental Accommodation , and a +/-4.3% for L ow-Cost Home Ownership . This means that we can be confident that our results represent our wider customer base.
We use a stratified random sample to ensure feedback is gathered and is representative of residents across various tenures, property type and regions.
We review the findings of the survey to consider whether our services are fair and accessible to all customer groups. This includes considering all protected characteristics as well as property type and geographical area. Through key driver analysis of previous surveys, we identified age, gender and disability as key customer groups and have therefore ensured our sample is representative of these.
No weighting was applied to the results and no customer groups were excluded from the sample. Customers can however choose to ‘opt out’ of receiving the survey .
We do not currently offer an incentive for completing the survey; however, we will review this on a regular basis to ensure that we are meeting the required sample size.
When is the survey?
Our survey is conducted on a rolling monthly basis, meaning residents can be invited to participate at any time throughout the year. We chose to conduct the survey monthly to ensure we capture the most up-to-date views and can respond swiftly to your feedback.
Survey results are reported internally each month, with a deeper dive conducted quarterly to help focus on areas where improvements are needed. We have also carried out year-end analysis of the results (looking at April 23 – March 24). Findings from this have been shared with our Risk and Audit Committee, and our results have been submitt ed to The Regulator of Social Housing.
We also have robust measures in place to identify and address any safeguarding issues highlighted from the survey , as well as concerns relating to damp and mould.
Who will contact me?
In 2023/24, IFF Research carried out the Tenant Satisfaction Measures survey on our behalf.
However, from July 2024 onwards, we transitioned to a new survey provider. Online surveys will now be sent via email from CX Feedback, while telephone surveys will be conducted by CX Feedback’s partner provider, Pexel .
We made this switch to consolidate all our survey results in one platform, improving our performance monitoring.
To find out more about CX Feedback, please click here: https://cx-feedback.co.uk/
To find out more about Pexel , please click here: https://www.pexel.co.uk/
How will I be contacted?
To ensure we capture a wide range of views, we use a mixed methodology for collecting the Tenant Satisfaction Measures.
In 2023/24, 989 surveys were completed via telephone, 449 were completed online via email, and 87 were completed face-to-face by Regenda.
This approach allows us to gather feedback from a wide range of customers, ensuring our results accurately reflect the diverse voices within our communities.
We will continue with this approach throughout 2024/25.
What number will I be contacted from?
If you are contacted to complete the survey by phone, Pexel will call you from the following number: 020 4538 9096 . They will introduce themselves and let you know that they are calling on behalf of Regenda/Redwing.
What will I be asked?
We ask a series of questions set out by the Regulator, which have to be asked a specific order and use specific wording to enable comparison amongst landlords . To find out more about this, please click here ( Annex 5: Tenant Survey Requirements (publishing.service.gov.uk)
In addition to the standard questions, we ask a few additional questions, to help us improve our services. If you would like to download a copy of our survey script (2024/2025), please click the links below.
Quarter 1 Satisfaction Results (April 2024 - June 2024)
Whilst the Regulator only requires us to publish this information annually, feedback from our customers is that it is important that we share information more frequently. We will update this information at least every six months. Where benchmark data is available, we will publish this so that you can see how we compare to other social landlords.
The below table outlines the satisfaction results from residents living in Low-Cost Rental Accommodation only (LCRA). LCRA includes general needs, supported housing, Housing for Older People, intermediate rent and temporary social housing.
Benchmark data is from the HouseMark year-end Tenant Satisfaction Measures report and is based on Low-Cost Rental Accommodation only, there is none available for Low-Cost Home Ownership. HouseMark collected data from 221 English landlords choosing to submit year-end TSM results for the period April 2023 to March 2024. This included 118 Housing Associations and 103 Local Authorities.
TSM Satisfaction measure |
Quarter one performance 2024/25 |
2024/2025 target |
National Median 2023/2024 |
Performance against target |
Overall satisfaction |
76.8% |
80.0% |
69.4% |
Near target |
Satisfaction with repairs |
78.5% |
80.0% |
70.4% |
Near target |
Satisfaction with time taken to complete most recent repair. |
74.1% |
75.0% |
66.4% |
Near target |
Satisfaction that the home is well maintained . |
76.1% |
80.0% |
69.4% |
Near target |
Satisfaction that the home is safe. |
83.1% |
85.0% |
76.1% |
Near target |
Satisfaction that the landlord listens to tenant views and acts upon them. |
68.5% |
75.0% |
58.9% |
Near target |
Satisfaction landlord keeps tenants informed about things that matter to them. |
74.4% |
75.0% |
69.5% |
Near target |
Agreement that the landlord treats tenants fairly and with respect |
80.8% |
85.0% |
76.3% |
Near target |
Satisfaction with landlords approach to complaints handling. |
41.0% |
50.0% |
33.8% |
Out of target |
Satisfaction that the landlord keeps communal areas clean and well maintained . |
79.9% |
70.0% |
65.5% |
In target |
Satisfaction that the landlord makes a positive contribution to the neighbourhood. |
69.2% |
65.0% |
62.5% |
In target |
Satisfaction with the landlord’s approach to handling ASB. |
68.8% |
65.0% |
57.0% |
In target |
Low-Cost Home Ownership — Q1 results (April 2024 — June 2024)
The below table outlines the satisfaction results from residents living in Low-Cost Home Ownership only (LCHO). LCHO includes shared ownership properties (which have not been fully staircased ) . There are no mid-year benchmarking figures available.
TSM satisfaction measure |
Quarter one performance 2024/25 |
2024/2025 target |
Performance against target |
Overall satisfaction |
49.2% |
55.0% |
Out of target |
Satisfaction that the home is safe. |
71.2% |
70.0% |
In target |
Satisfaction that the landlord listens to tenant views and acts upon them. |
41.3% |
50.0% |
Out of target |
Satisfaction landlord keeps tenants informed about things that matter to them. |
56.1% |
60.0% |
Near target |
Agreement that the landlord treats tenants fairly and with respect |
56.7% |
60.0% |
Near target |
Satisfaction with landlords approach to complaints handling. |
25.0% |
35.0% |
Out of target |
Satisfaction that the landlord keeps communal areas clean and well maintained . |
62.3% |
75.0% |
Out of target |
Satisfaction that the landlord makes a positive contribution to the neighbourhood. |
40.5% |
40.0% |
In target |
Satisfaction with the landlord’s approach to handling ASB. |
46.8% |
50.0% |
Near target |
TSM Management Information Q1 results (April 2024-June 2024)
These are the 10 metrics that come from our systems rather than through a satisfaction survey.
TSM Management Information |
Quarter one 2024/25 performance |
Target 2024/25 |
Performance against target |
% of homes that have all the necessary gas safety checks (LCRA/LCHO combined) |
100.0% |
100.0% |
In target |
% of homes in buildings that have all the necessary fire risks assessments (LCRA/LCHO combined) |
98.9% |
100.0% |
Near target |
% of homes in buildings that have asbestos management surveys or re-inspections (LCRA/LCHO combined) |
100.0% |
100.0% |
In target |
% of homes that have had all the necessary legionella risk assessments (LCRA/LCHO combined) |
92.6% |
100.0% |
Near target |
% of homes in buildings where communal passenger lifts have necessary safety checks (LCRA/LCHO combined) |
96.5% |
100.0% |
Near target |
Number of stage 1 complaints received per 1000 homes (LCRA only) |
13.0 |
Data only |
Data only |
Number of stage 2 complaints received per 1000 homes (LCRA only) |
1.7 |
Data only |
Data only |
Stage 1 complaints responded to within the Housing Ombudsman’s timescales (LCRA only) |
97.6% |
100.0% |
Near target |
Stage 2 complaints responded to within the Housing Ombudsman’s timescales (LCRA only) |
94.4% |
100.0% |
Near target |
Number of stage 1 complaints received per 1000 homes (LCHO only) |
11.6 |
Data only |
Data only |
Number of stage 2 complaints received per 1000 homes (LCHO only) |
4.5 |
Data only |
Data only |
Stage 1 complaints responded to within the Housing Ombudsman’s timescales (LCHO only) |
92.9% |
100.0% |
Near target |
Stage 2 complaints responded to within the Housing Ombudsman’s timescales (LCHO only) |
100.0% |
100.0% |
100.0% |
Anti-social behaviour cases relative to the size of the landlord (LCRA/LCHO combined) |
4.9 |
Data only |
Data only |
Anti-social behaviour cases that involved hate incidents relative to the size of the landlord (LCRA/LCHO combined) |
0.0 |
Data only |
Data only |
RP02-1: Non-Emergency repairs completed within target timescale (LCRA) |
99.5% |
100.0% |
Near target |
RP02-2: Emergency repairs completed within target timescales (LCRA) |
98.3% |
100.0% |
Near target |
Homes that do not meet the Decent Homes Standard (LCRA) |
Annual KPI |
Annual KPI |
Annual KP |
Quarter 2 Satisfaction Results (July 2024 - September 2024)
Whilst the Regulator only requires us to publish this information annually, feedback from our customers is that it is important that we share information more frequently. We will update this information at least every six months. Where benchmark data is available, we will publish this so that you can see how we compare to other social landlords.
The below table outlines the satisfaction results from residents living in Low-Cost Rental Accommodation only (LCRA). LCRA includes general needs, supported housing, Housing for Older People, intermediate rent and temporary social housing.
Benchmark data is from the HouseMark year-end Tenant Satisfaction Measures report and is based on Low-Cost Rental Accommodation only, there is none available for Low-Cost Home Ownership. HouseMark collected data from 221 English landlords choosing to submit year-end TSM results for the period April 2023 to March 2024. This included 118 Housing Associations and 103 Local Authorities.
TSM Satisfaction measure |
Quarter two performance 2024/25 |
2024/2025 target |
National Median 2023/2024 |
Performance against target |
Overall satisfaction |
78.9% |
80.0% |
69.4% |
Near target |
Satisfaction with repairs |
76.1% |
80.0% |
70.4% |
Near target |
Satisfaction with time taken to complete most recent repair. |
72.6% |
75.0% |
66.4% |
Near target |
Satisfaction that the home is well maintained . |
78.9% |
80.0% |
69.4% |
Near target |
Satisfaction that the home is safe. |
86.0% |
85.0% |
76.1% |
In target |
Satisfaction that the landlord listens to tenant views and acts upon them. |
71.9% |
75.0% |
58.9% |
Near target |
Satisfaction landlord keeps tenants informed about things that matter to them. |
68.4% |
75.0% |
69.5% |
Near target |
Agreement that the landlord treats tenants fairly and with respect |
76% |
85.0% |
76.3% |
Out of target |
Satisfaction with landlords approach to complaints handling. |
42.4% |
50.0% |
33.8% |
Out of target |
Satisfaction that the landlord keeps communal areas clean and well maintained . |
66.2% |
70.0% |
65.5% |
Near target |
Satisfaction that the landlord makes a positive contribution to the neighbourhood. |
48.5% |
65.0% |
62.5% |
Out of target |
Satisfaction with the landlord’s approach to handling ASB. |
54.4% |
65.0% |
57.0% |
Out of target |
Low-Cost Home Ownership — Q2 results (July 2024 — September 2024)
We are unable to provide an update for Low-Cost Home Ownership for Q2, as response numbers were too low for us to provide an accurate comparison to the previous quarter.
TSM Management Information Q2 results (July 2024 — September 2024)
These are the 10 metrics that come from our systems rather than through a satisfaction survey.
TSM Management Information |
Quarter two 2024/25 performance |
Target 2024/25 |
Performance against target |
% of homes that have all the necessary gas safety checks (LCRA/LCHO combined) |
100.0% |
100.0% |
In target |
% of homes in buildings that have all the necessary fire risks assessments (LCRA/LCHO combined) |
99.6% |
100.0% |
Near target |
% of homes in buildings that have asbestos management surveys or re-inspections (LCRA/LCHO combined) |
100.0% |
100.0% |
In target |
% of homes that have had all the necessary legionella risk assessments (LCRA/LCHO combined) |
100.0% |
100.0% |
In target |
% of homes in buildings where communal passenger lifts have necessary safety checks (LCRA/LCHO combined) |
100.0% |
100.0% |
In target |
Number of stage 1 complaints received per 1000 homes (LCRA only) |
Data only |
Data only |
Data only |
Number of stage 2 complaints received per 1000 homes (LCRA only) |
Data only |
Data only |
Data only |
Stage 1 complaints responded to within the Housing Ombudsman’s timescales (LCRA only) |
96.8% |
100.0% |
Near target |
Stage 2 complaints responded to within the Housing Ombudsman’s timescales (LCRA only) |
78.3% |
100.0% |
Out of target |
Number of stage 1 complaints received per 1000 homes (LCHO only) |
Data only |
Data only |
Data only |
Number of stage 2 complaints received per 1000 homes (LCHO only) |
Data only |
Data only |
Data only |
Stage 1 complaints responded to within the Housing Ombudsman’s timescales (LCHO only) |
100.0% |
100.0% |
In target |
Stage 2 complaints responded to within the Housing Ombudsman’s timescales (LCHO only) |
100.0% |
100.0% |
In target |
Anti-social behaviour cases relative to the size of the landlord (LCRA/LCHO combined) |
Data only |
Data only |
Data only |
Anti-social behaviour cases that involved hate incidents relative to the size of the landlord (LCRA/LCHO combined) |
Data only |
Data only |
Data only |
RP02-1: Non-Emergency repairs completed within target timescale (LCRA) |
95.5% |
100.0% |
Near target |
RP02-2: Emergency repairs completed within target timescales (LCRA) |
97.9% |
100.0% |
Near target |
Homes that do not meet the Decent Homes Standard (LCRA) |
Annual KPI |
Annual KPI |
Annual KP |