Fraud Prevention Statement

Fraud is not a victimless crime. It does real harm by diverting much-needed funds into fraudsters’ pockets, so we take a zero-tolerance approach. It is difficult to put a figure on the cost of fraud, but some estimate the loss as being billions of pounds every year.  

The Regenda Group has a Fraud Team made up of, Executive Director of Resources, Group Company Secretary, Director of Finance and Head of People Services that are there to prevent, detect and support the investigation of fraud and bribery concerns with a view to pursue all available sanctions and redress. All allegations will be investigated thoroughly, and appropriate action taken should an allegation be substantiated.  

The Group also has prevention and detection measures in place to reduce the risk of fraud and bribery as well as identify instances. This also teamed with a training programme for staff so they can identify fraud and bribery risks as well as being supported with raising concerns. Dr Michael R. Birkett is the Group Chief Executive and has overall responsibility this area:  

“The Regenda Group is committed to tackling fraud and bribery and ensuring that all staff, contractors and third parties are aware of the reporting lines that should be used should any suspicions or concerns arise. We all play an essential role in helping to reduce fraud and bribery. The Regenda Group requires all staff at all times to uphold the Group’s values to safeguard the resources for which they are responsible.”  

Concerns can be reported to The Regenda Group Company Secretary on the following email