Contacting us on social media
Our customer service team monitors our social media pages during business hours (9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday).
We aim to respond to all queries within 5 working hours (excluding weekends and public holidays holidays).
We encourage users to leave comments, photos, videos, and links on our social media pages. Please make sure your contributions are constructive, relevant, suitable for any age and respectful of others.
Material posted by users of our social media pages does not necessarily reflect the opinions or ideals of Regenda Homes, its employees or affiliates.
We will review and remove any posts that include personal information, bully, intimidate, or harass others; are hateful, threatening or pornographic; incite or contain violence or nudity; are unlawful, misleading, malicious or discriminatory.
We will try to help on the first message. If the message does not require a reply or a person continues to contact us multiple times or over several days without engaging with our offer of help, we may not respond. We will not respond to repeated posts about the same topic and will consider using the Unacceptable Behaviour Policy if the number of posts is deemed excessive. In some circumstances we may block the user, for example if someone breaks these rules.
When you contact us via our social media channels, please do not post your personal information in a public forum. We may ask you to share your personal details with us and will ask that you do this via direct message.
See information about privacy and data protection here.