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Have your say on our Group Corporate Plan!

We want your feedback to help shape our corporate plans for the future! The Regenda Group Corporate Plan sets out how Regenda Homes, and other subsidiaries of The Regenda Group, will deliver our purpose to regenerate places and create opportunities for people. 

Repairs service update

Earlier this year, we asked for your thoughts on our repairs service. Thank you for taking the time to complete our survey.  

Your satisfaction is our priority and we are committed to continually improving our services. Your valuable feedback has guided our project to improve our repairs and investment services. 

Important information for Universal Credit claimants

If you receive Universal Credit and have been impacted by the 11th November rent increase, you will need to update your journal with the new rent and service charge amounts so that you receive the right payment from the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP). 

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