Our Governance

The Regenda Group is governed by a parent board, including several members, one of which is our Chief Executive.

Recruitment to the Board is carried out in an open and transparent way using the most appropriate best practice relevant to recruitment and selection that is available at that time.

Any recruitment will take into account the skills and experience currently on the relevant Board and those that are required to ensure the Board’s duties are discharged appropriately.

Consideration will also be given to the need to ensure the board includes people from diverse backgrounds and with diverse attributes to ensure appropriate challenge and debate.

The method of recruitment will take account of the number of NEDs required and the appropriate skills/experience needed. This may involve a wider recruitment exercise using local or trade press or a more targeted approach using more specialised networks.

The Parent Board is supported by two Group Sub-Committees: Risk and Audit; and Governance and Remuneration.

The Risk and Audit Committee assures the Board that relevant risks are identified and mitigated appropriately. It also provides scrutiny and transparency over all internal controls and legal/regulatory compliance.

The Governance and Remuneration Committee nominates, for approval by the Board, Non-Executive Directors & Committee Members.  It ensures high standards of governance are maintained throughout the Group and oversees the performance evaluation and development of the Board and Committees.

Further information is available in our Governance Manual - October 2023