Meet your local TLO - Jane! | News

Meet your local TLO - Jane!

Jane Newsham - Fleetwood

Jane is the Tenant Liaison Officer for M&Y Maintenance and Construction, and is based in Fleetwood, Lancashire. Jane is available to help you with any queries you may have during the Fleetwood Regeneration programme.

Jane is here to provide a high quality service and to work closely with you. Her duties include –

  • Letting residents know when work will be carried out
  • Explaining in details the work process. This includes dates, times, what is being done, and what residents need to do to make sure the work can be carried out as smoothly as possible
  • Coordinating contractors, including arranging appointments for them to gain access to properties
  • Arranging surveys with residents before work begins in a property
  • Dealing with site issues or complaints
  • Collecting satisfaction feedback after work has been done.

You may have seen Jane over the past month, as she has been busy speaking to all of our residents on the Flakefleet estate in Fleetwood.

Jane is here to help you with any queries you may have. Stop and have a chat with her, or take a look at Fleetwood Regeneration for further information.

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