In the garden

We all love to spend time in our garden to relax and enjoy the summer sunshine - and gardens can be improved to increase the biodiversity of your local environment whilst also saving water.


Save water in the garden

When doing your gardening, use the following tips to save water and save yourself money:

  • Use a watering can instead of a hose.
  • Don't over dig your garden.
  • Add a layer of compost to your soil – this holds more moisture and nutrients.
  • Invest in a water butt – this will collect rainwater for use in your garden.
  • Water plants early in the morning or late in the evening to cut down on water lost by evaporation.
  • Sprinklers are not good for lawns – they encourage shallow root growth and are bad when the weather is dry and the ground is hard.


  • Consider drought resistant plants such as geraniums which need less water.
  • Water plants whilst they are still in pots or boxes as this will encourage them to grow.
  • Divide the garden into squares and put plants close together – this shades the soil and produces a better crop.
  • Try using grow bags and place pots so that they touch the bottom of the bags.
  • Line pots and hanging baskets with plastic liner to retain water for as long as possible.

Grow Your Own

Growing your own fruit and vegetables can be a fun way of saving money and providing tasty food for you and your family. Here are some easy tips to get you going:

  • Use grow-your-own kits or seed packs to get you started – there are many different varieties available.
  • Follow the instructions on the pack – many seeds and grow-your-own kits have planting times at different times of the year.
  • Keep your plants well watered and clear of any pests – insects can damage your crop for the whole year.
  • Try creating your own greenhouse effect – cling film covers can work just as well as glass and will encourage your crops to grow.

Encouraging wildlife

Simple tips to make your garden a haven for wildlife including insects and birds:

  • Put bird feeders and bird boxes in your garden – birds love them and will come back looking for food.
  • Use nectar rich plants such as lavender and nepeta to encourage bees in your garden.
  • Don’t over dig your garden – allow insects such as worms to do this for you in an organic way.
  • Don’t over trim your garden – wildlife prefers gardens that are not perfectly manicured.