Lesley Dixon

Lesley is the Chief Executive at PSS, a social enterprise that works across the UK supporting people to live happy, healthy and hopeful lives.
PSS supports people in their home-life and in their relationship with their family. Over the last century PSS developed some of the best known names in community support including Age Concern, the Citizen's Advice Bureau and Legal Aid. Today Lesley’s team are continuing the legacy of innovation with a strong focus on encouraging people to choose their own support and retain their independence wherever possible. To make this a reality PSS provides a range of services which work across a wide spectrum of personal experience and need. PSS’ work reaches far and wide but across the organisation, at the heart, is a dedication to designing and providing dynamic services that are shaped not by finance, ease or tradition but by each person that uses them.
Lesley’s commitment to empowering people who need support goes beyond her role within PSS, Lesley is a trustee of the Furniture Resource Centre – one of the first social enterprises in the UK and was previously a vice-chair of Mind and was also a commissioner on the Liverpool Fairness Commission. Lesley was also a member of AVECO's Health and Social Care Special Interest Group.
Before joining PSS Lesley worked at the University of Leeds and in 2010 received an honorary doctorate for her contribution to the student experience. Lesley is also a Chartered Manager and Fellow of the Chartered Management Institute.