We want to make sure our residents can remain independent in their own home for as long as possible. If you are finding day-to-day living difficult, we may be able to carry out minor adaptations to make life easier.
Minor adaptations
If you or your family have a disability and require minor changes to your home, you will need to receive a referral through your local council or through your GP.
Minor adaptations can include:
Grab rails and handrails
Install additional banister
Improvements to telecare
Lever taps.
Our dedicated team are sensitive to the needs of our residents living with disabilities and are ready to help with any enquiries. You can contact us regarding your adaptation by calling customer services on 0344 7360066.
How to apply for a minor adaptation within your home
You can apply through your local council or through your GP with an appointment and ask for a supporting letter to provide to Regenda Homes. You can apply through your local council here.
Major adaptations
If you or your family have a disability and require major changes to your home, a Disabled Facilities Grant (DFG) can offer financial support towards the cost of work. You claim this through your local council.
Major adaptations can include:
Accessible showers
Stair lift for above ground floor access
Ramp access
Door widening
We will work with your local council to agree on making these changes to your home.
How to apply for a major adaptation within your home
Contact your local council to apply for a DFG.
The council will arrange for an Occupational Therapist to visit you in your home to assess your needs and the suitability of your home.
If a DFG is granted and the council is ready to progress your application, the council will contact Regenda Homes. Your home may be visited by a surveyor before any work can be approved.
Depending on the age and condition of your home, Regenda Homes may need to carry out an extra survey before works can start.
Regenda Homes will review the application for suitability prior to approving the works and give permission to the council.
The council will allocate a contractor to carry out works.
The adaptation will be installed in your home.