New Ferry, Wirral regeneration
In 2022, Wirral Council appointed Regenda as the preferred supplier to deliver new homes as part of the regeneration of New Ferry. Creating more than 70 new homes and revitalising the area.
Alongside colleagues at The Regenda Group, we have now officially begun work on phase 1 as M&Y Maintenance and Construction started construction on sites B and C in March 2024.
What is being built?
In phase 1, 34 one and two bedroom apartments will be built across two sites:
Site B is located on Bebington Road. This site will include:
11 one bedroom apartments
3 two bedroom apartments
These apartments will be available for affordable rent and will be managed by Regenda Homes. Homes will be allocated through Property Pool Plus.
Site C is located on Boundary Road and will include:
13 one bedroom apartments
7 two bedroom apartments
These apartments will be available for Rent to Buy through Redwing. Redwing is part of The Regenda Group.
Who is building new homes?
Homes are currently under construction with M&Y Maintenance and Construction. M&Y carries out repairs, maintenance and improvement works on Regenda Homes properties. They also have extensive experience in building new homes across the North West.
The plan for phase 2.
Planning has been approved for phase 2 and construction is expected to begin in 2025 on Woodhead Street and part of New Chester Road.
Community engagement
As part of this redevelopment, we’ve been working with children from Grove Street Primary School who will be following the build through the ‘Raising Aspirations Programme’ with Positive Footprints.
We’ve also been working with Placed Academy to deliver free workshops for 14- to 18-year-olds living in Wirral and Liverpool. The young people have been busy going on site analysis visits and building models.
Public realm
Wirral Council successfully bid for £3.2 million from the Future High Streets fund which is earmarked for public realm and highway improvements at the heart of New Ferry. The aim is to make the main shopping areas more attractive for occupiers, visitors and residents with new street furniture, street lighting and landscaping.
A lasting legacy
The regeneration of New Ferry will transform the area through new homes, improved high streets and community focussed social value, bringing employment, training and work experience opportunities to the local area.