Save money on your bills
We're investing in energy efficient technologies to help our residents save money.
We have been installing cavity wall insulation, loft insulation, double glazing and more efficient boilers.
You can also make a difference to the amount of energy you use in your home. Did you know that simple changes could help you save money and reduce your impact on the environment?
Staying warm:
- Use your heating controls to make sure you only heat your home when you need it. You can find more information here on how to use your heating controls
- Choose thick curtains and blinds and close them during the evening to trap warm air in the house.
- Don't place furniture close to radiators - this will prevent the warm air from circulating.
- Never dry clothes on your radiator (try to dry clothes outside or use a clothes rail by a radiator and open a window slightly to prevent condensation).
In the kitchen:
- Use the correct size pan for the hob and use a lid to trap heat within the pan.
- Reheat food in the microwave – it will use much less energy than an electric oven.
- Keep your fridge and freezer 75% full to keep them working efficiently and allow food to cool down before refrigerating it
- Boil water in a kettle but only boil as much as you need.
- Use a slow cooker where possible – they use less energy than an oven.
- Keep your fridge and freezer clean – air flows better when there is no dust.
- Check the fridge and freezer doors are tight: place a piece of paper in the doors and shut them - if it can be removed easy, the seals may need replacing to stop warm air entering.
Washing and cleaning:
- Only use dishwashers and washing machines when you have a full load.
- Use a clothes rail or washing line to dry clothes whenever you can – tumble dryers cost around 59p an hour to run.
- Washing at cooler temperatures saves energy – it also prolongs the life of your clothes.
- Keeping your windows clean will let more light into your home, meaning you will use less lighting.
- Avoid using the pre-rinse setting on washing appliances: modern appliances clean even the dirtiest of items without the need to rinse them beforehand.
- Use the economy settings on appliances where possible – this will save energy and use much less water.
Home entertainment:
- Turn your appliances off at the plug to avoid wasting energy on standby. It’s not just televisions and computers that use energy on standby; items like microwaves all use energy when not in use.
- Charging your phone or laptop for longer than needed reduces the battery life and wastes energy – don’t leave your phone charging over night.
- Modern televisions have ambient light settings – watching television with the light off can help these televisions use between 30% and 50% less energy.
- When buying new systems, look for the items that have the Energy Saving Trust Endorsed Product logo, or are listed online
Broadband and phone services
Ofcom has produced a list of suppliers that offer social tariffs. These are suitable for households who claim certain government benefits. You can find out more at Cheaper broadband and phone packages - Ofcom.