Fence repair, March 2024

 We have seen an increase in fly-tipping so we have attended and tidied up the area and replaced the fencing which has been recycled from other areas.


broken fence


fence repaired and area tidied


Environmental Warden Feedback

Find out what we have done recently in your area as a result of our environmental warden inspections.

Cleared garden area, October 2023


before areabefore area


after tidied area


Recycling bin cleared of contaminated items, September 2023

contaminated bincontaminated bin area



after cleared and tidyafter cleared and tidy

Alley way clear up, September 2023

Alley was blocked with large amounts of rubbish, overgrowth and fly tipping. Our Envronmental warden cleared the area creating access to the rear of their property.


before photo alley waybefore photo alley waybefore photo alley way


after photo alley way

Alley way clear up, August 2023

Alley way has had a clear up and has been made safe.

crake avenue beforecrake avenue aftercrake avenue before 2crake avenue after 2

Alley way clear up, August 2023

Alley way has had a clear up so that there is much better access for our tenants to their gardens.

alley way beforealley way after

Rear garden clean up, June 2023


before clean up - debris in garden


clean and tidy gardendebris removed from garden


Garden clear up, June 2023

Cleared the garden, cut back overgrowing brambles and weeds, re-fixed the fence and completed tidying the rear garden for the elderly tenant.

garden before garden fence after







garden tidy aftergarden tidy before

Fly tipping, June 2023

Rubbish removed from various communal areas across the local schemes.
flytipping before flytipping before flytipping after

rubbish in alleyway cleared alleyway

sofa in street flytipping cleared

flytipping before flytipping afterflytipping after  

Garden tidy, June 2023

This Garden tidy was completed after the resident was struggling with their garden and wanted a safe space for their children. 
before and after image of garden tidy

Recycled furniture, June 2023

Always striving to give our residents the best start, this furniture has been recycled and gifted to a resident who didn't have any when they were moving into one of our schemes.

recycled furniture 2recycled furniture 3 recycled furniture

Rear Garden, June 2023

Highlighted by the Housing Officer Communities and asked the Environmental Warden to help the resident we completed this and agreed to visit when needed going forward to maintain this.

bin store before photo shed after photobin store beforebin store after

Back garden fence, May 2023

Resident asked if we could look at her fence in the rear garden, a small section had become rotten and the fence panels loose, and her dogs were getting through the gap into the neighbours garden. The fence was repaired and is now secure.

fence with hole in it repaired fence

Repaired bungalow fence, Nov 2022

Fence at the entrance to the car park had fallen slightly, so it has been repaired and made safe.

broken fence repaired fence

Fly tipping, Oct 2022

Rubbish cleared and rear garden tidied up.

fly tipping fly tipping fly tipping cleared fly tipping