John Wood

John’s academic background is in planning and he has had a lifelong career in social housing. He became qualified early in his career and is a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Housing. He has spent more than 37 years in the housing association sector, the bulk of which was with the Riverside Group from where he retired in April 2018. Much of that time was as a member of the Senior Management Team in a range of operational roles.
His experiences cover housing and asset management, community investment, development, low cost home ownership and stock transfers, as well as the wide range of responsibilities that go with corporate leadership in such a large, complex and diverse business as Riverside.
He has developed a strong balance of strategic vision along with a grasp for detail; an authentic leadership style focused on delivery, backed with a zeal for effective performance management; whilst at all times retaining an awareness of customer needs, expectations and challenges, and of the importance of having the customer voice heard.
John is the lead for Customer Centricity and our Member Responsible for Complaints.